
What’s a Deli & Grill Plate, and Where to Get Best Grilled Meat Preparation in Glendale?

A Deli & Grill plate is all about mixed grilled meat preparation, which is smoked and roasted over simmering charcoal fire in a barbecue oven for hours, till it turns soft, tender, juicy and golden brown in color. Here, the meat is either grinded in a mixer-grinder and converted into round or flat patties to be shallow fried &sautéed, or else the meat chunks are pierced through the iron grills and smeared with spices, BBQ sauce and oil, before roasting it over slow fire. It is the smokiness flavor that makes it apart from all other meat dishes, except for the shallow fried ones.                     Here in Glendale CA, there’s an eatery called “Art’s Bakery & Cafe”, which prepares a wide variety of such grilled dishes that can literally salivate your tongue. It can be a plate of Berkshire grilled bone-in pork ribs, grilled Salmon steak, New Zealand lamb chops, Buffalo chicken w...